Pixar unveils a trailer for their Inside Out spinoff, as well as new information on their other upcoming series, Win or lose. Dream Productions will...
Watch Pirate Fair, a student short film from French digital arts school ESMA (class of 2023). It follows three pirates facing an unexpected challenge: Three...
Amazon Prime unveils Secret Level, an animated series focused on several video game franchises. Here’s everything you need to know about this flagship project of...
At SIGGRAPH 2024, we did a short interview of Victoria Leviaux andFlorian Gomes Freitas, two of the co-directors behind the animated short film After Grandpa...
Director Chris Renaud & co-director Patrick Delage share the secrets behind Despicable Me 4, the latest animated feature from Illumination! They explain us how they...
Last week, French art school École Georges Méliès showcased the latest short films and games created by its students. Professionnals from various studios came to...