Theresa Plummer-Andrews, a British TV animation producer who had a huge influence over the industry, has passed away. She worked on shows such as Bob...
We continue our dive into the SIGGRAPH 2021 technical papers with a fascinating project aimed at sketching and vector drawing: StrokeStrip : joint parameterization and...
30%. That’s the percentage of French graduation short films in the 2021 SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival Electronic Theater selection. This score is impressive: France is...
At first glance, Neural Scene Graph Rendering is just yet another technical paper, and it can even seem underwhelming: the renders shown by the authors...
Pierre Ecormier-Nocca, Guillaume Cordonnier, Philippe Carrez, Anne‑marie Moigne, Pooran Memari, et al. present their latest paper at SIGGRAPH 2021: Authoring Consistent Landscapes with Flora and Fauna....
This article is sponsored by Creality. In the past 7 years, Creality has built a diversified product matrix through continuous increase in product research and...
Creality 3D, the famous 3D printer brand at home and abroad, enters people’s version for its consumer-grade FDM DIY 3D printers Ender-3 series and CR-10...