ShortsR.A.S: five soldiers in AfghanistanBenoît Rogez27 February 202327 February 2023 by Benoît Rogez27 February 202327 February 20230631 Watch R.A.S, a short film by Lucas Durkheim created at Brunch Studio. This short film follows the eveyday life of a group of soldiers. For...
XROn The Morning You Wake (To the End of the World): do not miss this VR documentaryBenoît Rogez29 June 202229 June 2022 by Benoît Rogez29 June 202229 June 202202062 January 13th, 2018, 8:08 am, an alert is issued to the 1.4 million citizens of Hawaii. They’re told that a ballistic missile threat has been...
Industry & corporate newsWar in Ukraine: the artistic community acts and reactsBenoît Rogez1 March 20221 March 2022 by Benoît Rogez1 March 20221 March 202201391 Following the Russian attack in Ukraine, the artistic community reacted and launched several initiatives. Here is an overview of these initiatives, from studios reacting to...