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In the summer of 2022, Netflix announced the acquisition of Animal Logic, the famous Australian animation and visual effects studio. The studio is now merging into Netflix Animation, and the CEO of Animal Logic is leaving the company.
The streaming platform, seeking to streamline its structure, merges Animal Logic into Netflix Animation.
In addition to this merger, the CEO of Animal Logic, Sharon Taylor, has resigned and is leaving the company. She had joined the group nearly 19 years ago.
Her responsibilities will be handed over to Karen Toliver, Vice President of Netflix Animation Film.
Animal Logic a marqué l’histoire des effets visuels et de l’animation, à travers de nombreux projets : Babe, Matrix, Le Seigneur des Anneaux, Happy Feet, Le Royaume de Ga’hoole, les films d’animation LEGO…
On doit aussi à Animal Logic les films d’animation Leo et L’Éléphante du magicien, sortis sur Netflix en 2022. Les équipes travaillent actuellement différents projets, dont le futur film d’animation The Shrinking of the Treehorns de Ron Howard qui sera lui aussi diffusé par Netflix.