This year, the Annecy Festival paid tribute to Portuguese animation. Students from French animation school Gobelins created short animations to celebrate the country. These short...
Thursday, June 13: the Annecy Festival 2024 continues! nWave unveiled exclusive information about an ambitious upccoming movie, we interviewed Illumination, and Pixar delighted the studio’s...
The Annecy Festival opened its doors this Sunday. Despite uncertain weather, the mood was cheerful, and festival-goers rushed to pick up their badges. We took...
Watch Poisson Nuage (“Cloud Fish”), an animated short film directed by Amandine Rolain as her thesis short film at Lanimea. She is currently open for...
ZOMA Studios announces Mmanwu, their upcoming animated horror short. It follows “Ogechi, a Nigerian-American teenager, as she travels back to Nigeria after the death of...
Last night, the 96th Academy Awards ceremony took place in Hollywood, California. The big winner was the film Oppenheimer, which snagged multiple awards. Here are...
Audrey Azemar, Andréa Brimboeuf, Baptiste Brotier, Clément Malbec, Mathis Milla-Diaz unveiled Expire (“Breathe out”), their thesis short film at ECV Bordeaux (class of 2022). It...
Watch Un Dimanche (“Sunday”), an animated short film from French digital arts school ECV Bordeaux. It was directed by Elisa Dogneton, Emma Irigaray, Martin Darrigrand,...
Watch La Mousson (The Monsoon), an animated short film from French digital arts school ECV Bordeaux.Directed by Emilie Ahouanto, Enorah Le Dallic, Barberine Marzat, Alix...