Year after year, animated short films from animation schools make their rounds at festivals and are featured on 3DVF. Behind the visual and artistic qualities...
French digital arts school ESMA unveils another short film from their class of 2023: Dream Catchers. It follows two characters watching over a sleeping town.Directors:...
Watch All about Area 51, an animated short film from ESMA (class of 2023) directed by par Camille Masset, Jérémie Lebuffe, Romain Kérinec, Marie Toussaint,...
Watch Trajectoire, a thesis short film from French digital arts schoom ESMA that is finally avalable online. If you like dream-like visuals and onirical concepts,...
Watch A Cookie’s Adventure, a short film created by Jérémie Amicone, Camille Triponney, Ileana Borzan, Zoé Rivera, Myriam Lecomte, Alexis Bleusez, Margot Lemasçon, and Romain...
Watch Things in Jars, an animated short film from French digital arts school ESMA.Directed by Maëlle Gressé-Denois, Haruthai Marchand, Kianna Molino, Gwendoline Moscato, Ana Belén...
Watch Scums, a student short film from French digital arts school ESMA. It is directed by Romain Astolfi, Joan Tarrius, Joaline Artigues, Tristan Consorti, Jules...
Watch Matriochka, an animated short film from French digital arts school ESMA. This tale follows two children trying to find the truth, in the heart...