Quand Vient L'Aube
3DVF > ISART Digital Unveils an Ancestral Ritual

ISART Digital Unveils an Ancestral Ritual

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Watch Quand Vient l’Aube (When the Sun Rises), an animated short film from French school ISART Digital.

In the heart of a remote mountain village, an old woman passes away. A shaman ventures into the forest to perform a ritual at the temple, guiding the soul of the deceased to the afterlife.

Direction: Mathilde GILLARD | Andrei LE MÉZEC | Élodie MAURIOL | Quentin PERIER | Tom PERRICHE | Léa RODRIGUEZ
Music & Sound Design: Stanislas D’ARNOUX DE FLEURY | Pierre-Alexis CONDÉ | Mel JOST | Aurélien LAMY

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