Hong Kong Days
3DVF > A Paprika-inspired animated parade to celebrate Belgian culture in Hong Kong

A Paprika-inspired animated parade to celebrate Belgian culture in Hong Kong

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Jean-Julien Pous presents a teaser he created using Blender for the Belgian Days in Hong Kong: a week of events celebrating Belgian culture, this November in Hong Kong. A childhood friend, producer Marie Yi-Qing Bouvéron, asked him to create an animation to announce the event.

Jean-Julien Pous explains that the main challenge was the tight deadline, with less than a month to create the animation all by himself. Another essential constraint was the need to represent Belgium using royalty-free visuals, making it impossible to use comic book drawings, archival images, or music excerpts.

After developing several concepts and storyboards, he was ultimately inspired by the parade scene in Satoshi Kon’s Paprika.

Director : Jean-Julien Pous
Producer : Marie Yi-Qing Bouvéron
Music composer : Movenchy

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