Magali Dunyach, Chien-Ju Hung, Jimin Jung, Vajra Pancharia, Léa Pietrzyk just released Blue Curry, their student short film created during their studies at Gobelins. The...
Laurine Baille, Gabriel Gérard, Lise Légier, Chloé Maingé and Claire Sun unveil their student short film (Gobelins, 2021) : Contretemps. Living with OCD, Anna has...
French school Gobelins just released a new graduation film : Golden Hour, directed by Sophie Li, Yan Li, Gabriel Regnier, Quentin Rigaux, Adel Sabi, Jeremy Ye. Filmmaking can sometimes be a...
Every year, students from Gobelins school of animation create some animated short movies for the Annecy Festival. Here are the latest ones: Pon-pon-partyyy, directed by...