Watch Pirate Fair, a student short film from French digital arts school ESMA (class of 2023). It follows three pirates facing an unexpected challenge: Three...
Last week, French art school École Georges Méliès showcased the latest short films and games created by its students. Professionnals from various studios came to...
We continue our reviews of animation school juries with Piktura, formerly known as Pôle 3D. The school changed its name for its 20th anniversary, both...
Sarah Blaya, Nicolas Bunet, Amélie Gallego, Anouk Martin, Shana Paquet, Roxane Plays, Kimberley Soter, and India Taburet, unveil Harmony, their thesis short film at French...
Joe Azar, Sasha Grandet, Sami Haouas, Camille Lecour, Julie Marquet, Anaïs Mascherpa unveil All Aboard !, their thesis short film (ESMA, class of 2023). In...