ShortsCamille, a short film from Atelier de SèvresBenoît Rogez25 February 202225 February 2022 by Benoît Rogez25 February 202225 February 202201159 Watch Camille, a thesis short film from French school Atelier de Sèvres directed by Maël Nathanaël Sonn (class of 2020). Camille is about to take...
ShortsOuroborus: a strange liquid invades a suburban townBenoît Rogez13 September 202113 September 2021 by Benoît Rogez13 September 202113 September 20210889 Here is Ouroborus, a short film directed by Chloé Forestier during her studies at the Atelier supérieur d’animation (Atelier de Sèvres). In a suburban town,...
ShortsShort film : Cela aussi passera, a journey in a desolate worldBenoît Rogez5 August 20215 August 2021 by Benoît Rogez5 August 20215 August 20210714 Aymeric Gesbert’s thesis film at the Atelier de Sèvres animation school, Cela aussi passera, is now available online. A young man goes on a journey...
ShortsLe Sourire de la Courgette: a short film with cloud-animals and gluglu huntingBenoît Rogez22 June 202122 June 2021 by Benoît Rogez22 June 202122 June 202101029 Lucas Ansart’s thesis short film at the Atelier de Sèvres (year 2020), Le Sourire de la Courgette (“the smile of the zucchini”), is now available...