Every year, students from Gobelins school of animation create some animated short movies for the Annecy Festival. Here are the latest ones: Pon-pon-partyyy, directed by...
Netflix just unveiled the teaser for Robin Robin, a stop-motion musical holiday special from Aardman. When her egg fortuitously rolls into a rubbish dump, Robin...
Directed by Abel Kohen, Biolum is a VR experiment featured at the NewImages Festival and the Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Immersed in the deep...
Thanks to the NewImages Festival and XR3 Events, we had the opportunity to discover Strands of Mind, an immersive project created by Adrian Meyer. What...
During the 2021 Annecy International Animation Film Festival and MIFA, the french company Fatfish Lab will organize a Demo session of Aquarium Studio, their project...