Flow breaks new ground: like his previous project Away, Flow contains no dialogue. However, while he previously worked solo, this time the director collaborated with...
Sarah Blaya, Nicolas Bunet, Amélie Gallego, Anouk Martin, Shana Paquet, Roxane Plays, Kimberley Soter, and India Taburet, unveil Harmony, their thesis short film at French...
Watch Ça Décale, a French animated short film created by Piktura students (formerly Pôle 3D). Immerse yourself into “the kaleidoscope of a colorful party”, and...
Watch Silhouette, a graduation short film from French digital arts school ARTFX (class of 2023). The film follows Claire, a young woman who has just...
Watch A Beautiful Summer Night, an animated short film creeated by students of French digital arts school Ecole des Nouvelles Images.This thesis short film (class...
French Digital arts school ESMA unveils a new graduation short film from its 2022 class, which is now available online after touring festivals. It follows...
Paramount Pictures unveils a few clips from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. The animated feature was created by Mikros Animation Montréal & Paris, Cinesite...