Unreal Engine 5.4
3DVF > Unreal Engine 5.4 available: the new business model kicks in for UE, RealityCapture, Twinmotion

Unreal Engine 5.4 available: the new business model kicks in for UE, RealityCapture, Twinmotion

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Unreal Engine moves to version 5.4. RealityCapture also sees updates with version 1.4.

New business model for Epic Games software

Before discussing the new features, let’s recall that this update comes with the implementation of the new business model announced by Epic Games in March: for industries such as animation, VFX, and virtual production, Unreal Engine is no longer free once a company’s revenue exceeds one million dollars. Changes are also happening for Twinmotion and RealityCapture. The latter is now free under one million dollars of revenue. You can read our article for more information.

Unreal: advances in virtual production, motion design

Regarding Unreal Engine, version 5.4 includes advancements in virtual production: a good way to encourage companies to adopt the new business model, instead of sticking with version 5.3 which will remain free.
The most notable change is the release of an Android version of Unreal VCam, Unreal’s virtual camera application. Also known as Live Link VCam, the application was previously only available on iOS. Unreal VCam provides users with a virtual camera, and shots can be refined later in Unreal, using the Editor and the Sequencer. The application can also be used to review environments, to preview shots before shooting.

Other advancements in virtual production are announced such as “Multi-Process Inner Frustum” which can be used to “render of what’s seen by the movie camera to be split across more GPUs and hardware resources”, or a new toolkit for VR Scouting.

Epic also announced a Motion Design Mode, a work environment specifically designed for motion design.

The official announcement will give you more details, and also gives information about other UE updates in terms of performance, resolution, productivity.

RealityCapture 1.4

RealityCapture 1.4

Besides the new business model, RealityCapture is now available in the Epic Games launcher, which can be used to handle downloads, installations, and updates. Furthermore, RealityCapture has been intergrated in the Epic Developer Portal with “a new self-service purchasing flow that enables you to buy, download, and manage seats and active subscriptions.”

Again, an official announcement is available.

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