da Vinci’s Workshop
3DVF > Download and explore Leonardo da Vinci’s workshop as envisioned by NVIDIA, thanks to OpenUSD

Download and explore Leonardo da Vinci’s workshop as envisioned by NVIDIA, thanks to OpenUSD

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A team of 10 NVIDIA artists recently worked together to create a 3D version of Leonardo da Vinci’s Workshop. The end result is available for free.

The team behind the project had several goals in mind when creating this workshop, including providing examples of OpenUSD projects that are production ready, highlighting the utility of some of OpenUSD’s technical features, and showcasing a possible OpenUSD pipeline within a medium-sized team. More details on the approach and technical aspects are available here.
The same page will also allow you to download the dataset (please note that since the scene is quite detailed, it is also quite heavy: 67GB). To visualize the dataset in real-time, you can for example use USD Composer tool available in Omniverse (which you can download here).

Here is a video preview of the project, and some screenshots.


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