3DVF > $100,000 for Godot and FNA: a bold move by Re-Logic, the studio behind Terraria

$100,000 for Godot and FNA: a bold move by Re-Logic, the studio behind Terraria

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Re-Logic, the videogame studio behind Terraria, announced they are going to donate $100,000 to each of the two following open source game engines: Godot and FNA. Re-Logic goes even further: moving forward, they are sonsoring each of these projects with $1000$ /month each.

This announcement is of course a direct consequence of the recent announcements from Unity. As you probably already know, the team behind this game engine announced a new runtime fee policy, which was met with heavy backlash. Even though Re-Logic doesn’t use Unity, the studio explains that they feel they have to react to what they call “predatory moves”.
Re-Logic also explains that “even if Unity were to recant their policies and statements”, they feel they still have to act, as “the destruction of trust is not so easily repaired”. They feel that the only way forward is to support open source game engines.


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