Autodesk announces the beta launch of Wonder Animation, a new tool to create animations from video. It was developed by Wonder Dynamics, acquired by Autodesk...
At Adobe Max, Adobe announces several updates to its products. The most groundbreaking innovation is undoubtedly the introduction of a video model for Firefly. In...
The Blender dev team unveils two new LTS (long term support) releases for Blender. Blender LTS is perfect for long-lasting projects such as animated features...
Maxon has announced that its software ZBrush is now available on iPad. This news opens up new possibilities for creative use. Of course, this version...
Bproduction unveils Light Studio, a new Blender addon for creating 3D Packshots. This will help you light and render CG watches, jewelry, product designs, cars,...
French editor Praxinos has launched Odyssey 2. Odyssey is an animation tool designed for 2D artists, built on Unreal Engine. The new version is based...
Golaem releases Golaem 9, the latest version of their crowd simulation software. Golaem explains: Golam 9 facilitates the creation of such characters by providing universal...
Do you want to get faster results when creating characters using Houdini? Then Procedural Anatomy might be the tool you’ve been looking for. With just...