3DVF > SIGGRAPH 2024: Our Video Interview with the French Companies!

SIGGRAPH 2024: Our Video Interview with the French Companies!

This article is also available in: Français

3DVF once again attended SIGGRAPH this summer. In addition to our already published articles, here is a video interview with some of the French companies present at the event: they introduce their solutions and share their impressions of SIGGRAPH 2024 and its highlights.

The video features Mercenaries Engineering (Guerilla Render, Rumba), TechViz, Chat3D, Enginn, Eclairion, Golaem (which had not yet announced its acquisition by Autodesk), and the competitiveness cluster Cap Digital.

The interviews are in English, but subtitles are available, should you need them due to the “baguette” accent!

Huge thanks to Bastien Litzler – Cap Digital for his help.

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