Gladius, a French student short film featured in the 2021 SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival Electronic Theater, is now available for everyone to watch. The film...
30%. That’s the percentage of French graduation short films in the 2021 SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival Electronic Theater selection. This score is impressive: France is...
Every year, students from Gobelins school of animation create some animated short movies for the Annecy Festival. Here are the latest ones: Pon-pon-partyyy, directed by...
The 23rd edition of the Très Court International Film Festival has been announced. Don’t let the French name mislead you: this international festival can be...
Shirley Zhou released Bounty, her thesis film completed at UCLA Animation Workshop. It was completed in 2019 and has been featured in various festivals. An...
Neeraja Raj, director at Nexus Studio, recently teamed up with Don’t Panic (creative agency located in London) to create a short animated film. Their goal...
Stratostorm studio unveiled Umbrella, an animated short film written and directed by Helena Hilario, Mario Pece. The story follows a young boy living in an orphanage,...
Sarah Munos, Arthur Lefebvre, Francesca McCall, Jérémy Livingston, Aurélie Tapponnier, Thibault Cambresy, Armel Boutillon have published their student film (ESMA – 2020) : Liyoki. Liyoki,...