ESMA has released A Furry Escape, a short film from its 2023 class. This delightful movie blends a Christmas atmosphere, charming squirrels, and… a grandmother...
French digital arts school ESMA unveils No Bird’s Land, a thesis short film focusing on three soldiers during WWI. Short after an attack, three French...
Last week, the 2024 ESMA jury was held in Montpellier, France. About 260 students and 1,200 attendees participated in the graduation ceremony—ESMA thinks big! 3DVF...
Watch Pirate Fair, a student short film from French digital arts school ESMA (class of 2023). It follows three pirates facing an unexpected challenge: Three...
Sarah Blaya, Nicolas Bunet, Amélie Gallego, Anouk Martin, Shana Paquet, Roxane Plays, Kimberley Soter, and India Taburet, unveil Harmony, their thesis short film at French...
Joe Azar, Sasha Grandet, Sami Haouas, Camille Lecour, Julie Marquet, Anaïs Mascherpa unveil All Aboard !, their thesis short film (ESMA, class of 2023). In...