While ARTFX is best known for its graduation films created using impressive visual effects or 3D animation, its 2D program is growing and producing student...
ESMA has released A Furry Escape, a short film from its 2023 class. This delightful movie blends a Christmas atmosphere, charming squirrels, and… a grandmother...
Created by Mexican filmmakers Diego Alonso Sánchez de la Barquera Estrada and Christian Arredondo Narváez, the animated short film Nube has already charmed film festivals...
Watch Acrobats, a short film created by Gobelins Paris students (class of 2024). The team chose to portray a girl in an oppressive household. Unable...
French digital art school ARTFX unveils Nightfall, a thesis short film created using 3D animation: In an isolated orphanage, people keep disappearing, and a matriarch...